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Saturday, July 16, 2011

South African Ghosts stores part 1

Some South African ghosts have the unusual habit of appearing at odd hours of the day and night. There is never a sense of foreboding or doom just before they appear as is common with there European counterparts I have titled these three short stories the dinosaurs, the old woman and A sighting of the flying Dutchman

The most unusual ghost that has been seen in South Africa happened one night in 1993 on a highway just outside the city limits of Port Elizabeth. A security supervisor was driving along just after two am on a bright moon light night when he suddenly saw what he at first thought was a troop of elephants crossing the road he slowed down and approached cautiously. However when he got closer to the large beasts that he had at first mistaken for elephants he saw to his amazement that it was a group of dinosaur’s of rather large size. Stopping he watched this heard of ghostly apparitions with some fear as he was aware that he was watching some thing quite spectral for five minutes he continued to watch with trepidation the great beasts reflecting the moonlight of there bodies. Wandered across the road into the surrounding bush the last of which disappeared as another vehicle approached casting its headlights on the beasts. This begs the question did the security supervisor perhaps not step back in time for a moment to an age when dinosaurs once roamed the plains and see an event long passed which has been imprinted on the atmosphere of the area?

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